The best Ed Sheeran ‘Divide’ lyrics



I’m well aware of certain things that will destroy a man like me, but with that said give me one more 
“This line shows self-awareness of fame and how it can affect a person. Like in many of Sheeran’s songs, he seems to get right to the point and that is the beauty of this lyric.”

And when the world’s against me is when I really come alive, and every day that Satan tempts me I try to take it in my stride 
I can’t think of a more perfect opening track than “Eraser,” which does a great job of telling us about where Sheeran is and where he’s going. Lyrically, it’s one of the most personal tracks off the album and the Brit doesn’t hold back as he raps about his flaws, and the juxtaposition between his private and personal life.”

“While there are a couple of gems throughout the track, I picked this particular bit to highlight as my favorite because I love the message of power that it sends. The idea of persevering when the cards are stacked against you is universally relatable to many and serves as a constant reminder that we should all keep going even when giving up would be easier than facing our demons.”


Castle on the Hill

7Me and my friends have not thrown up in so long, oh how we’ve grown 
“You know you all have friends that you can share this line with. It’s fun and highlights how we change as we get older. Knowing how to hold your liquor is an important rite of passage.”


8Don’t tell me you need me if you don’t believe it 
How many times have you said something because you thought it was what someone wanted to hear? This line highlights that fact in eleven simple words. If you don’t believe something you shouldn’t say it, especially when it comes to love and needing someone.”

I could live, I could die hanging on the words you say 
“Dive” is probably my favorite track off this album, and I would argue that it could very well be the best song in the bunch.”

“Sheeran may have another “Thinking Out Loud” on his hands with “Perfect,” but I would argue that “Dive” may be a stronger ballad. There’s something sweet and so incredibly vulnerable that comes with singing about unrequited love and Sheeran does that beautifully here. The pre-chorus packs an especially powerful punch and I feel like the line above perfectly captures the idea of putting your heart out on the line and hoping the person you’re reaching out to feel the same way too.”

Shape of You

9Your love was handmade for somebody like me 
What girl or guy doesn’t want to hear this? This whole song has a sexy vibe but this line adds a touch of the romantic. Everyone wants to find that person just for them and this song brings that whole idea to life.”


12When you said you looked a mess, I whispered underneath my breath but you heard it, darling you look perfect tonight
“Once again Ed Sheeran will have the wedding song of the year. He knows how to take the small, ordinary moments in a relationship and make them into beautiful songs.”


13Ain’t nobody hurt you like I hurt you but ain’t nobody need you like I do, I know that there’s others that deserve you but my darling, I am still in love with you
Raw and honest, are two words that describe this song perfectly. Relationships are hard and sometimes you have to walk away but realizing that someone is happier without you, that is a whole other level, especially when you still love them.”

New Man

11When you’re with him, I know you’re lonely, please remember you’re still free to make the choice and leave
This line feels important even though the song itself is a little cheeky. How many times have we felt stuck in a situation even though there are clear exits? Relationships change us for better or worse but being able to see yourself change for the worse and knowing you can get out is so important. We all have choices but it is about how we make them that shapes our life.”

What Do I Know

14You know we are made up of love and hate, but both of them are balanced on a razor blade
“Could a song or lyric be more timely? Given the state of the world this line expresses so much of who we are and how we balance so delicately on the edge of two powerful emotions.”

The future’s in the hands of you and me, so let’s all get together we can all be free, spread love and understanding, positivity 
I think we need songs like “What Do I Know?” now more than ever. While I could have pulled half the song for this piece, I picked this line in particular because I feel as though it sums up the message very well. We may all have our differences, but at the end of the day, spreading tolerance and love will make the world a better place.”

Supermarket Flowers

15Oh I’m in pieces, it’s tearing me up, but I know a heart that’s broke is a heart that’s been loved
This is a different way to look at a broken heart. Usually we think of a broken heart as one that has loved not one that has been loved. I love this line because the subtle shift of words makes all the difference. This song in general is just stunning and requires tissues.”

I hope that I see the world as you did, ’cause I know A life with love is a life that’s been lived 
Supermarket Flowers is arguably one of the most heart-wrenching tracks off of Divide. It’s also a song that almost didn’t make it on the album. The story goes that Sheeran actually wrote the track in memory of his late grandmother and almost didn’t want to share it with the world. It was in fact Sheeran’s grandfather who convinced the singer to put it on Divide and like many, I’m incredibly happy he did.”

“Supermarket Flowers is filled with lovely moments, but this line is one of my favorites simply because it serves as a reminder for what’s really important. As humans, it’s easy to get caught up in the idea of accomplishing enough to feel satisfied with the life you’ve had. In contrast, this line serves as a reminder that loving and being loved is an accomplishment in and of itself.”


16Get on up baby, dance to the rhythm of the music, don’t care what the DJ chooses, get lost in the rhythm of me 
There’s no denying that “Barcelona” is one of the catchiest tracks on Sheeran’s album, but my favorite thing about this track is the way that it captures the feeling of living in the moment. I love the picture it paints of a memorable night, and I especially love the idea the above lyrics invoke of getting swept up in another individual amidst the excitement.”

Save Myself

17But if don’t then I’ll go back to where I’m rescuing a stranger just because they needed saving just like that oh, I’m here again between the devil and the danger but I guess it’s just my nature
“It speaks to me so deeply. I think we can all admit the opening line is incredibly powerful but this line just has so much meaning. We all have people in our life that take anything and everything we have to give. In some cases we hope they will give something back but sometimes we have to save ourselves from our self. And sometimes we just give, even to strangers, because it is who we are even if it’s not what is best for us.”